Introduction to Sensory Evaluation of Wine: Novice oenophiles, enhancing your critical tasting ability and learn basic aspects of sensory evaluation often overlooked in most wine tastings. Exploring the origins of desirable and undesirable flavors of wine and the stylistic contributions of winemaking techniques. Emphasis is placed on correct use of wine descriptive terminology.
Descriptive Analysis of White and Red Table Wines: Smell is the dominant sense humans use to detect overall flavor in wine, and aromatics are responsible for the majority of wine flavor. By further training your sense of smell, you can graduate from simply recording vague impressions of wine to registering more precise analytical descriptive responses. This class presents dozens of white and red wine reference standards to enable you to build your wine descriptive abilities and quickly expand your wine tasting sensitivity and vocabulary.
Tasting Room Design and Management: Making your tasting room more profitable and memorable with practical, experience-driven information. Learn how to create a profitable wine club and design your room with lighting and displays. Explore tasting strategies, special events tips, and how to improve your tours and trade relations.
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